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Elite of Asian Karate to meet in Tashkent

Elite of Asian Karate to meet in Tashkent





Elite of Asian Karate to meet in Tashkent


Elite of Asian Karate to meet in Tashkent

The best Karate athletes in Asia will meet in Tashkent (Uzbekistan) from December 16 to 20. The 2022 AKF Senior, Cadet, Junior, U21 & Para-karate Championships are the closing event of the year and are set to be a celebration of the sport.

The new kings and queens of Asian Karate will be crowned in Tashkent. The event gathers senior categories as well as underage divisions. Also, for the first time, the continental Para-Karate Championships will be held in the city of Uzbekistan.

The tournament starts on Friday, December 16 with the Cadet and Junior categories. Finals will be held at the end of each competition day.

The last edition of the AKF Championships was held in Almaty last year. Iran topped the final medal table with 49 medals, followed by Kazakhstan and Japan.

CLICK HERE to go to the micro-site of the 2022 AKF Championships.





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